Getting Started

How to Sign In?

Creating an account

Before you can use TaskQuark, you must create a new account with a user profile.

Creating an account is simple and easy. You can register by clicking on the “Sign Up” link on the TaskQuark home page.

You will be asked to provide your email address and a password. After that, you will enter the application and see the “Profile” page.

Your profile and account

After registration, you will be taken to your profile page. This page contains your profile and account information plus your profile preferences.

Validate your email

To be able to use TaskQuark, you must first validate your email address. A validation email is sent to the email address you provided during registration. Find and the email in your inbox and click on the validation link, or copy and paste the link into your browser, to confirm your email.


If you do not receive the validation email, check your spam folder.

If you still do not see the validation email in your inbox, you can get a new email sent by clicking on the “Resend Validation Email” link on your profile page.

Your subscription plan

When your email is validated, you must choose a subscription plan on the account tab. A number of subscription plans are available for you to choose from.

When you click to “Subscribe” to one of the plans you will be redirected to the checkout page. Enter your information to process the subscription. Once the process is completed, you will find your subscription listed and will be redirected to the preferences tab.

Set your preferences

In the preferences tab, you can set your calendar options, notifications, and a lot of other useful configurations to tailor the application as you want to use it. You can change these preferences at any time.

Congratulations! You have completed the TaskQuark Sign Up.

First Steps With TaskQuark

The TO DO project

Once you have completed the registration process, you will find a first project called “TO DO” in the project list at the sidebar. This project is the default project. Any tasks or notes with no specific project assigned will be assigned to this project. See Working with Projects


As you create your own projects and subprojects, you can keep this TODO project and use it as a simple Todo list.

The WELCOME project

You will also find in the project list a project named “WELCOME”. This project is a sample project that you can use to learn how to use TaskQuark. Review the tasks in this project to practice creating tasks and notes.


You can delete these tasks or the whole project whenever you want.

Using the “pads”

To work with your tasks, you will need to use the different TaskQuark pads, namely:

  • the TodoPad, to work on your daily Agenda and your ToDo list,

  • the WeekPad, to see the tasks scheduled for any week,

  • the MonthPad, to watch the task events occuring on any month,

  • the WorkPad, to manage the state of the tasks for your projects,

You can also work with your notes using the NotePad, and create and organize new projects with the Projectpad on the sidebar.